Friday, July 23, 2010

'I Met Henry' Shirt Design Poll Results

Hi Pandas,

Thank you for participating in my poll to decide which design I should use for my 'I Met Henry' t-shirt! The votes are tallied and the winning t-shirt is Design #2!

Here's the final breakdown

  • Design 1 - 2,283 votes
  • Design 2 - 5,437 votes
  • Design 3 - 4,993 votes
pandanda great games for kids
Design 2 and 3 left design 1 in the dust, but it was a lot closer between 2 and 3. Design 3 led early on, but soon the votes for design 2 overtook design 3 and finished with a strong 444 vote lead to become the winner. Thanks to everyone who voted!

I'll be visiting Pandanda this Saturday at 11am Pandanda Time and then again at 7pm to give out the shirt to all my friends and hope to make lots of new friends as well!

To get the 'I Met Henry' t-shirt all you have to do is add me to your friends list! If I am already on your Friends List then you'll get the shirt when you log in to see me Saturday. Don't worry if you don't get a chance to meet me on Saturday. Anytime that I visit and we become friends I promise to give you the shirt. 

This was copied directly from Pandanda

Thanks for reading!

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